Heaven's Game
by Dennis J. Newman
In Memory of Robert Regalado
It's the springtime, it's the season
of a baseball player's dreams,
when the mind is filled with visions
of a diamond set in green,
where the wind is blowing gently
from the plate out to the sky,
and excitement courses thru the crowd,
awaiting that first pitch to fly.
Yes, that's where you will find me
in the glorious days to come,
I'll be enjoying heaven's game
and waiting for my turn to run
in endless joy from first to second,
sliding into third,
I'll watch the signs and head for home
as soon as our Coach gives the word.
I've saved you seats for that great day
when you join me in this Promised Land.
I'll know you've made it to the game:
I'll hear you cheering in the stands.
Copyright 2009, Dennis Newman,
Minooka, IL 60447-4600
Reprinted with permission